IV International Forum on Energy Saving in Astana

By 2025, Kazakhstan should reduce energy intensity of GDP by at least a quarter, and halve it by 2050. At present, the figure has reached 14 percent. Measures to reduce energy costs and strengthen the ties in this area were on the agenda today at the IV International Forum on Energy Saving held in Astana. It brought together the industry experts and companies, representatives of government agencies and the United Nations Development Programme. The forum participants say that one of the key tools for implementing energy efficiency policy is the State Energy Register, which was established in 2013. This mechanism made it possible to reduce the energy consumption in the industrial sector twofold. It bears noting that the work of all the practical tools was enshrined in the relevant law, which was adopted 10 years ago and amended this year. So, the introduction of new approaches to energy audit and to the implementation of energy saving policy in the country are implied in the law.

“Apart from that, we will recruit energy managers at the domestic enterprises and implement energy-efficient public procurements that we never had before. Nowadays, there is plenty of equipment, all kinds of energy-efficient devices, but our state institutions have not announced public procurements on them so far. From 2023, all these public procurements and the regulatory energy consumption for state-funded organizations will be introduced in the country,” noted Bauyrzhan Smagulov, Chairperson of the Electric Power and Energy Saving Development Institute.

“I believe that the amendments we made to the current law this summer will push forward all the regulations related to energy conservation and energy efficiency. So, it’s a pleasure for me to witness such forums, since they allow us to understand and apply new methods, as well as to consider new proposals in energy conservation,” added Dyussenbai Turganov, Member of the Mazhilis, the Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament.