Cargo tracking to become easier: EAEU member states reach new agreement

Cargo tracking will become easier - the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, after almost two years of discussions, have agreed upon the approval of a new agreement. This is about the use of the navigation seals. Experts believe that this will allow cargo exported between Europe and China to move freely. Drivers will now be able to rely on minimal bureaucracy and paperwork, Minister in charge of Customs Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Commission Oleg Pankratov said. He also noted that everything will be carried out in a digital format. After the agreement is signed, national systems will begin to exchange real-time data on all transit within the EAEU countries.

“The benefits for business are primarily in the reduction of freight transport costs through minimizing all kinds of administrative barriers and the ability to work digitally. I would like to point out that it was our Kazakh colleagues who insisted that this axiom should be clearly stated in the preamble of the agreement. We listened to the opinion of our Kazakh colleagues and included it in the agreement,” said Oleg Pankratov, Minister in Charge of Customs Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Commission.