Rules for preferential car loans in Kazakhstan to be approved by end of April

The rules for preferential car loans in Kazakhstan will be approved by the end of April. According to the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, the terms for the purchase of domestically produced vehicles, as well as the financing procedure, are currently under approval by the state bodies. The total amount of funding within the preferential lending program will be approximately 100 billion tenge (US$197 million), and approximately 30 billion tenge (US$59 million) for the renovation of bus fleets in the regions of the country. If approved, Kazakh residents will be able to get a loan for up to 7 years without a down payment. The maximum loan amount for one passenger vehicle should not exceed 10 million tenge (US$19,000). The Zhassyl Damu operator will finance the purchase of cars on preferential loan and the renewal of the bus fleet.


Translation by Saule Mukhamejanova

Editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova