Kazakh Senate ratifies amendments to EAEU Treaty

Kazakh Senate ratifies amendments to EAEU Treaty

Entrepreneurs of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) can now secure phytosanitary certificates, according to new changes in the EAEU Treaty ratified by the members of the Senate, an Upper House of the Kazakh Parliament. MPs said the amendments would facilitate the digital traceability of fruit and vegetable batches from field to fork. Failure to incorporate decisions from the Eurasian Economic Commission into legislative updates will result in fines. The agreement introduces a mechanism for repeat anti-dumping investigations, aiming to protect domestic entrepreneurs from unfair trade practices by manufacturers from third countries.  In total, the protocol encompasses 106 amendments to the EAEU agreement.

“These changes are aimed at improving legal relations in the field of trade, economy, and taxation within the organization. The protocol also addresses several other issues, such as labor migration and customs control. We hope that the law will reinforce cooperation among the EAEU member states,” said Senate Chairperson Maulen Ashimbayev.