Government: Flood situation stabilizing in Kazakhstan

Government: Flood situation stabilizing in Kazakhstan

The flood situation is stabilizing in Kazakhstan, as stated by Deputy Prime Minister Kanat Bozumbayev at a government meeting. This week, the peak flood period is expected in the Atyrau region. The water level in the Zhaiyk River has exceeded dangerous levels at gauging stations in the villages of Inderbor and Makhambet. Necessary flood control measures are currently being carried out, involving over 7,000 people and 2,000 units of equipment. In general, more than 119,000 people have been evacuated from the flood-affected areas. To date, over 55,000 citizens have returned to their homes. The country’s Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov instructed to expedite the assessment and compensation process for those affected by the floods.

“Governor’s offices should intensify assessment and design activities due to the stabilization of the flood situation in the regions. All measures for compensating damages, including the restoration of houses and infrastructure, must be implemented in due course. Our priority is to return affected people to normal life as soon as possible,” Bektenov said.