Trails of Nomads – All Articles

4849 Korkyt Ata Mausoleum

Korkyt Ata Mausoleum

The mausoleum of famous Korkyt Ata. What lands have similar facilities devoted to the legendary Tu...

4848 Aiteke Bi

Aiteke Bi

In the east of Navoi region, there is a historical city of Nurata. Many legends have been preserve...

4847 Syganak


The oldest dome appeared on the territory of the Great Steppe 3 centuries before the formation of...

4843 Karakalpakstan


Karakalpakstan, officially the Republic of Karakalpakstan is an autonomous republic within Uzbekis...

4840 Almaty - ancient city

Almaty - ancient city

26 signs on the silver bowl were found in the Issyk barrow. Who knows, maybe they laid the foundat...